Saturday, November 9, 2013

Renewing My Interests

I recently started working on memorial videos for people.  I love taking pictures, but also looking at and scanning old pictures.   The video allows me to take a bunch and string them together in a hopefully logical manner that also tells a story about someone or a family, put to music and a theme for them to enjoy.  In doing this project for a friend, I suggested we look at their family tree as well.

Initially I was suggesting that they look at doing their family tree and pointed them at  I figured I could add to her video some snippets of a tree like graphic to help with gaps in the video where there were no pictures of some people (note to you all - take pictures of everyone even if they hate having their photo taken - someday you and they will appreciate having those shots of them).  But I got antsy after about sixty seconds and I went to and starting doing the research myself. 

I LOVE research and particularly genealogy.  To me it is as close as I currently get to time travel outside of Doctor Who (the tenth Doctor being the best) and I do so want to travel in time (back not forward).  Almost immediately I was again hooked. 

I'd worked on my own family's history for nearly a decade until a falling out made it too sensitive for me to work on.  This is just as exciting to me even though not my family.  They become my family as I learn more about them.

It all came back, the excitement over the wealth of information on a single line of census data!  Why was she living with her parents at the age of 31? Oh, she was divorced - how scandalous in the twenties...I wonder what happened.   They owned a radio set.  Why was the government asking about that?  More research!! 

Is it sick that I enjoy research so much?  Maybe.  But being a closet detective/librarian/stalker, it just fits with who I am. 

So I use my favorite tools to find out more.  The Radio question was fascinating - more about that later after I research it further.  And yes, she was divorced, but then remarried, a wealthy younger man.  More interesting soap opera like thoughts come to mind. 

As I work it gives me things that I can use to trigger the living in that family and listen to stories.  A big voyeuristic, but anecdotes add to a great family history story.  It's all about stories.  Everything we are is all about stories.  Stories we live, remember, perceive, tell ourselves, tell others - some accurate, some not. 

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